Hi, I'm Victor!
This is What I Do



Hi, I'm Victor!

I am originally from Montreal, Canada and I believe I’ve been a designer since the age of five. As a kid, rummaging through the Lego box inventing new creations was a routine thing on weekends. My formal education started in Montreal where I receive my collegial degree with honours in Industrial Design. I later completed my bachelors degree at OCAD university where I was appointed leader of the committee who curated the year end graduation exposition (GradEx). In addition, I have competed in design shows in Toronto, Canada and collaborated on university projects in Shanghai, China. I am determined, motivated and a self-disciplined designer who is proficient in creative problem solving.

As a designer, my surrounding environment always intrigues me. I believe that design is about observing, understanding, synthesizing and then applying your knowledge into a project. Each project is its own adventure and I always try to reflect on what I’ve learnt.

Traveling is one of my passions, I love experiencing and comparing human behaviour on a cultural level. I enjoy seeing how people around the world react to everyday circumstances differently. My passion for design roots from my interest in traveling, embracing uncertainty and always learning from each experience.

My ultimate goal is to create meaningful experiences and products that will have a positive impact on people.


2016 - Student Representative of the Industrial Design program at OCAD University

2016 - Dynamic Landscape (2nd place prize)

2015 - Diamond Motion (Top 3 finalist)

2013 - Head of graduating class of Industrial Design at Dawon College

2013 - Graduated with honours in Industrial Design at Dawon College